The beautiful rice fields of the Central Valley.
The Sutter Buttes.
An anonymous mountain - possibly Shasta.
A cool picture of our flight above the clouds.
Coming into Seattle.
Our visit to the oldest public market on the west coast.
What luck!! It just happened to be the day of the Seattle Cheese Festival - lots of free cheese samples. I actually found some goat cheese that I liked.
These guys were good.
Okay, here's the main attraction - FISH.
And the rest of the attraction - the fish chuckers. As people make their decisions, the guys on the lower level chuck them up to the guys on the upper level, who wrap them. It is quite the show, but as we got there pretty early in the day, not many were buying.
Fish, fish, and more fish . . . I thought I'd gone to heaven - cheese and fish. Wooohoooooo.
Oh, and fresh produce as well. This place had it all.
And flowers - scads of them, so beautifully arranged. It was an incredible sight and smell.
And here's another beauty in her natural habitat, with beautiful flowers.
These photos don't even come close to expressing how cool it was to see the Olympic mountains across the Sound.
Of course we went to Ivar's for fish. It was great, and afterward we posed with Mr. Ivar & the seagulls.