Last year mom bought a Ford Taurus, but it has been giving her some problems since we got back in town (and maybe before), and she has offered on a couple of occasions that it was a bit bigger than she cared to drive. After it refused to start as we left Church on Sunday, we decided it was time to move on. So yesterday we went to Dow Lewis Motors to see what they could do for us. We looked at a pretty good variety of sedans, including a Chevy, a Toyota Corolla, and a Ford Focus. And, of course, the car she ended up buying: a nice little Nissan Versa. She test drove the Toyota and the Nissan, and they let her take the latter home overnight to make sure she liked it. She did, and today she bought the Versa. She was well cared for by Murray and they gave her a good deal, as well as giving her close to the maximum value for her trade-in Ford (based on my review of Kelly Blue Book). They also pretty much just transferred over the extended warranty she had on the Ford to the Nissan. So she has a good little car now and got it for a good price. And best of all, she is happy about it. Here are a couple of photos.