Saturday, February 5, 2011

More updates on what we have been doing - this time with the emphasis on my sweet. One of the most amazing things she did recently is tame this great wheat bread recipe from Andrea. She takes it from the whole wheat grain to the wonderfully delicious product you see here. It is certain that man does not live by bread alone, but if he had to, this is the bread he would want.
She has also been doing a bunch of sewing. This is one of the many great talents she has. She made one of these bags for each of our daughters, including the ones we acquired through marriage, for Christmas. So the other day she grew tired of what she was sewing and whipped this little beauty out in virtually no time. What a marvel she is!
And, as many of you know, one of the annual marvels are these personalized calendars she creates each year, seven in all. Here is February of the one she made for us. It is beautiful - mainly because she is in all the pictures.

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