Sunday, April 29, 2012

Guatemala Trip - Saturday -Day Six

The three volcanos around Lake Atlitlan were San Pedro, Atlitlan and Toliman.  We got up very early to take pictures.  It was a beautiful cool morning and Dad got some beautiful shots of the area.
 Here we are all ready for our trip across Lake Atlitlan.  It was about a 45 minute ride across the lake and we visited three different villages, San Juan del Lago which is famous for their weaving using all natural dyes and fibers, then to San Pedro and then to Santiago Atlitlan. 
 Here are some views of the area from the boat

 Laundry day down at the lake.
 When we would get to the villages we would all climb in to a "tuc tuc", which is this 3 wheeled vehicle powered by something less than a lawn mower engine, and ride to the top of the village and then we would walk down through the villages seeing the different shops and buildings
 This church was in the village of San Pedro.
San Pedro (Saint Peter) with his keys in front of the church.  It is very interesting that all of the statues of San Pedro we have seen (and we have seen a lot), he always has keys.
This is a painting we got at Santiago Atlitlan. It was very interesting that, counting the village we stayed at, we went to 4 villages, and in all of them people were selling paintings of the lake and the volcanoes . . . and almost all of them were exactly alike!  Same view, same colors, etc.  We bought this one because it was different.  Lake Atlitlan really is a beautiful place though, and worth the visit.

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