Monday, April 9, 2012

Guatemala Trip - Thursday - Day Four

Thursday was spent mostly travelling. We went from Guatemala City up to Quezeltenango. We did stop in Chichicastenango for a couple of hours. Chichicastenango is just one big market place. The tiny streets are lined with merchants and they are very aggressive. I was very glad when it was time to go. We spent most of the time in the van eating lunch from our little stock of food, granola bars, crackers and water and reading.
The scenry was beautful though on our way.

They have a fruit checking station like going into CA.

And they have horses and people carrying firewood. Here is a guy with 2 horses. There was another guy we saw later with a horse and a wife. He was leading the horse and the wife was hauling more wood behind them. They do things differently here.

This is how most of the women carry wood, and everything else.

Here is the hotel where we stayed in Quetzaltenango. It was quite new and very nice. They had a restaurant there with pretty much the most wonderful food we have had down here.

Rich with his one purchase from Chichicastenango, a new hat.

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