Monday, September 3, 2012

Just a Little Setback

Last March in an effort to make sure we get some exercise, we decided that I would walk around the temple grounds while Rich went in and played a little basketball with the temple missionaries one day a week.  Just a friendly little game to get his heart rate up.  So in the beginning of April he comes out and his finger got jammed pretty bad.  Next week he comes out hobbling like a really old man.  So we go home and he tries to keep it up and only walk on it when he has too.  Not working, so we go and get a cane - nope didn't do the trick.  We attended the RCC meeting and one of the counselors in a stake presidency was a doctor and he told Rich that he would have to completely stay off of it and also gave us the name of a orthopedic doctor.  So we went to the doctor and found that Rich had a ruptured muscle and has to stay off of it for 6 weeks and keep it elevated.  Got some crutches and it did the trick.  If you look really close you can see that styling sandal he is wearing, one we got when we went to Niagra Falls.  At work he would set up on the couch in the room they use for lunch and games and people would go and consult with him there.  I felt like the 20 mule team borax woman carrying all of our stuff.  One Saturday as we were waiting for a key to get into the offices for a meeting, the stake specialist from Usulutan was there with her family to attend the temple.  Her little son is on crutches and he was so excited to see Elder Hall on crutches so they had to compare crutches and then of course they had to race.  Jimmy was well practiced and so he passed Elder Hall on the turn and then kept in the middle of the sidewalk so Rich couldn't pass and won the race. It was a long six weeks.  It is so wonderful that is it doing so much better but the doctor did say no more basketball, ever. 
 This a a picture of one of the missionaries that helped us so much when we first arrived here, Elder Marinero.  

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