Thursday, April 30, 2015

What's been going on.

We have been pretty busy of late, and don't have photos of everything, but here are some glimpses into our recent past.  Mostly from Bike Around the Buttes, but then some other things as well.
 The cross on the hill in the eastern foothills of the Buttes.
This is just the beginning.
 Another attempt at an artsy shot, including the Buttes, a rock wall and palm trees.
This is on West Butte Road almost to the South Butte Road turnoff,
which, as it turns out, is rather well hidden.
 South Butte from Pass Road.  Lots of gas wells in this area.
 Within the first couple of miles is a ranch with lots of fun animals,
including this miniature horse and camel.
I got another photo of a miniature Brahma bull and some llamas but it was too dark.
 Old Long Bridge.
 When I was almost exactly (lacking only a few hours) 14 months old my dad loaded
all of us in the car with a few things and we drove out of the county on this bridge.
As you might guess from your calculations, it was Christmas Eve of 1955
and we were headed to Gridley in advance of the flood waters
that entered Yuba City shortly thereafter.
Now the shots you have all been waiting for - the happy cyclists.
This is one of us coming into the first rest stop.
 It was a beautiful day, but as you can see the drought is taking its toll.
The Buttes are usually very very green at this point in the year.

The Saturday after the Bike Around the Buttes (i.e., last Saturday)
we participated in a stake day of service in the local riparian park
on the west side of the Feather River.  As we were leaving we noticed this organic 
weed control service - a bunch of goats on the side of the levee.
Beats burning it off I'll just bet.

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