Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What Else We Are Doing

Can you believe two posts in a week?  I must have too much time on my hands, right?  Not!  Here is a taste of what we have been up to lately:
Weather Watching & Biking - After a week of temperatures exceeding 100° last week we are enjoying a couple of days of really cool weather this week.  In fact, we got "measurable precipitation" today, and it never got out of the 70s.  We could get used to this.  We have also begun biking on a regular basis.  When we go together we go out to the Sutter bike path, 9.5 miles.  But this morning I went on my set 10 mile route up and down Railroad Avenue.  I am trying to get to 14 mph on a consistent basis.
Homework - This week I finally got around to finishing up the flooring in the closets in our offices (see photos below).  Peter O. has also been painting the exterior, but it is dark and I cannot get photos, so later on that.  Next week we will tackle the bedroom closet, floor first, then total reorganization.  We'll try to get before and after photos of that one.  Mom is actually doing real homework as her final semester of Pathway began this week.  English and Religion classes.  She is so smart and dedicated that I am certain that she will maintain her 4.0 GPA (now you all know where you got so smart), but it will be a bit more of a struggle this time around because of our altered schedule.
Family History - Today we began regular meetings with my mom to set in order her boxes of photos, labeling who they are and when they were taken.  This requires a bit of research and the ability to recognize faces as they change through the years - and is about as much fun as I can take.  I would gladly set aside all else in my life and just do this. (okay, and read)  I am also pulling down a bunch of histories and going through them.  What a rich heritage we have!  I am humbled and gratified to be related to some wonderful people, some who are direct relations and some who are cousins.
Temple Service - We are spending a lot of time preparing for the begin of our 3 year adventure in the presidency of the Sacramento Temple.  We are so excited for this opportunity to serve.  We have been reviewing training material, and I have met a couple of times with the president and other counselor.  And a couple of weeks ago the 6 of us got together informally to get to know each other. As part of our preparation we are not slacking off on our days serving in the temple. Mom goes each Wednesday with Aunt Melody and I go a couple of times a week, but on different schedules based on the need for that week. My service as a sealer is most enjoyable!  This Saturday we will sub for another couple - I am really looking forward to that.
 This is my office, under my "built in" desk where I spend most of my time
on the computer.  It is nice that my chair rolls in and out easier.
This is the closet in mom's office.  It will look better when we get the baseboard on,
but we didn't have any on hand at the time.
That Hickory looks better in person than as represented here.

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