Sunday, April 12, 2009

Workee, Workee, Workee

We are very happy to have Peter home for a week. We took full advantage of his good nature yesterday to begin to erect the grape arbor for our patio. Here is the final product of yesterday, and a few photos of what happened along the way. We finished the east side of the arbor yesterday as well. It looks much like this, but about twice as wide. We still need to dig the holes, place the structure so that it is all nice and in the right place, standing up straight and level, and cement it in place. We'll do that sometime in the next couple of days, so stay tuned for more posts of posts.
We began by digging the holes on the west side of the arbor, missing the irrigation pipes that run along here.
At the same time the structure was going up, the garden received some of the attention it needs. As you can see, one of the casualties of the project is the basketball hoop. It has seen better days, and needs to move on to greener (i.e., recycled) pastures. Notice the job foreman in the red shirt making sure everything is going as it should. When he wasn't looking, I snuck off to work on the horseshoe pits, the western one you can just see over the base of the basketball hoop.
And here is that guy in the red shirt working the garden. We couldn't have done it without his help.
Here is the west side as it is waiting to be set in the holes and cemented in. The cross-piece you see here is 8 feet long, with the 2 supports being 4 feet apart. The cross-piece on the east side is 16 feet long, with the middle 2 supports 4 feet apart, and the outside supports 2 feet in from the ends. The lattice work you see in the background of this photo will go between the support posts on either side of the "portal" on the east side structure, and between the two structures.
How it will look when it is all finished. ;)


  1. Soo....are those ANTLERS? I'm excited to see the finished project. I guess I don't really get it yet. Poor visualization I guess.

    I was hoping to post some fence pictures...but the weekend didn't quite go as planned. J's holes are filled with water instead of poles. But we have a garage full of lumber, standing at the ready. It's supposed to rain again this weekend however....we may still be working on it by the time you get here!
